I'm back

What do you say to someone after you've been gone for three years?

Do you even try to give an explanation?

Do you say, "Hey, sorry, friend. Life attacked."

Are you even vain enough to suppose someone is out there still waiting for you to publish new content? (Apparently, I'm pretty vain.)

In the past three years (in no particular order), I've:
  • Worked at two different jobs (one of which is pretty much the best job ever)
  • Obtained my BSW
  • Bought a house
  • Kept two kids alive
  • Stayed married
  • Grown a garden that wasn't on a patio
  • Grown a couple of gardens that were on a patio
  • Made some friends
  • Found a great church
  • Decided what I wanted to be when I grow up

That's not bad for three years, right?

Here's hoping I can keep up blogging. I miss writing, and I especially miss writing about gardening. Those friends I mentioned can only listen to so much garden talk before I have to change it to "Scared some friends with compulsive gardening talk"



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